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Best Home Smoke Detectors

The conventional system is best suited for small and medium-sized facilities such as mall stores, small buildings, offices, shops, etc. It has a low cost and serves around 75% of alarm and fire detection projects.

The addressable system is indicated for medium-large and large facilities such as shopping malls, large buildings, and condominiums (commercial and residential), hypermarkets, etc. It has several applications and solutions for each specific type of project and is indicated for about 20% of the projects of alarm and fire detection.

The differences between the conventional and addressable systems are basically the way their cabling is structured and the technological difference between them.

To identify where a fire exists, the Conventional Fire Alarm Center divides the location of its peripheral devices (detectors, triggers, etc.) into sectors (loops) and each loop (sector) receives a name, configured by the plant user.

In the addressable system, to identify the location where there is a fire principle, the Addressable Fire Alarm Center distributes individual addresses for each equipment that is connected to it.

You can see some Alarm Centrals and sensors models below:

1) Fire Alarm Central – Conventional

Suitable for small and medium-sized installations, the types of Conventional Fire Alarm Units vary according to the number of sectors they have and their functionalities.

2) Fire Alarm Central – Addressable

Indicated for medium and large installations, the types of Addressable Fire Alarm Centers vary according to the need and the size of the project.

3) Sensors and Fire Detectors – Conventional

Divided into 04 Categories, Conventional Type Fire Detectors are named after Smoke, Temperature, Flame and Gas Detectors.
Each of these categories has specific applications and characteristics in order to automatically identify all the different factors that can become fire principles within.

4) Sensors and Fire Detectors – Addressable

Divided into 04 Categories, Addressable Fire Detectors are named as Smoke, Temperature, or Thermo-Crystalline Detectors, Flame, and Gas Detectors.
Each of these models has specific applications and characteristics, in order to automatically identify all the different factors that can become fire principles in a building.
The connection of this equipment must be, in conjunction with a conventional Fire Alarm Center.
The addressable detectors can’t be connected to any other type of electrical panel or monitoring stations, as the addressable systems have closed communication protocol and communicate exclusively with the Fire Alarm Center which has the same communication protocol as the detector.

5) Fire Alarm and Other Types - Conventional Boards

The category of Conventional Manual Blowers and Triggers has products specially designed to be connected to a Conventional Fire Alarm Center.It also has products that can be installed directly on other types of equipment, regardless of whether there is a central fire alarm.

6) Audio, Audiovisual and Visual Alerts – Addressable

This is the best home smoke detectors. Sounders and addressable visual alerts are equipment intended exclusively for the fire alarm and, when triggered, indicate the evacuation of an area.
They must be connected together with the IRIS or IRISSIMPO Fire Alarm Center and each siren receives an address (Name) from the control panel.

7) Wi-Fi Smoke Detector

In the presence of Smoke, the router sends a signal to the control panel that immediately indicates the location of the fire. DFO's are more sensitive to fumes from organic products such as Papers, Woven and Timber.
There are awesome brands for each one of these alarms, reliable and trustable. Swift Resources is one of them. They have all kinds of alarms and you can find the best home smoke detectors there.

Here are trustable brands:


Its warranty coverage depends on the model that you choose, take a look at the warranty on the package before buying one of them. 85 decibels is the sound alarm and Kidde offers you a talking alarm as well.

Nest Protect

The Nest Protect is different of others smoke detectors, their models have a square shape. You can install the Wi-Fi alarm and download the app and get alerted when something is going wrong at your home.You have two options for these smoke detectors, a wired 120V a battery backup or a battery-operated model. Both models have a battery for a lifetime.

Like other best smoke detectors, their smoke detector detects different types of fire. It has various smoke sensors. Thank you so much for your time.


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